The belief that the brain of a heroin addict can be brought back to the state it was before they started using the drug is foreign to many medical professionals. In fact, many say it is impossible and cannot be done. If you speak to many people in the health industry, brain repair and eventual healing is a myth propagated by those that do not want to face the fact that addiction is a not a lifelong disease. Fortunately, not everyone believes this theory and many have gone forward to look for a Cure for Heroin Addiction and found it at The Holistic Sanctuary. We are an alternative rehabilitation center in Los Angeles which cures heroin addicts by repairing their brain.
It is a fact, years of taking heroine in large amounts destroys cells in the body resulting in their damage or death. Among the organs that are mostly affected by this kind of drug abuse is the brain which slows down its functions because of the toxic chemicals deposited in its cells. This is the reason why you cannot function well when under the influence of drugs such as heroin, which if not addressed may result in your death. If your addiction to heroin has affected your daily functioning, you need to visit our holistic drug rehab today and get the Best cure for heroin addiction.
We will get your brain back to its pre-addicted state
Although most rehabilitation centers have a hard time giving their patients the assurance that they will be cured from heroin addiction, we do not. Our luxury drug addiction center has a Cure For Addiction. It does not matter the type of drug that you have been taking, we will help you heal from it and promise that you will not suffer from any withdrawal symptoms. We understand the power that these symptoms have over many people seeking to stop taking heroin. We use a unique plant medicine that suppresses these symptoms and manages them so that you can easily gain control of your life and stop using for good.
When you visit regular rehabilitation centers, you will be advised to consume drugs such as Methadone or sometimes Suboxone to help you get over the addiction. In our opinion, the introduction of such drugs in the system only works against the treatment because these drugs can also lead to more addiction. In fact the drugs only accentuate the symptoms of withdrawal resulting in many falling back into their old habits. If you have been moving from one drug rehabilitation center to another and never seem to get over your addiction, now you know the reason why.
Our private drug rehab takes a totally different approach and aims to offer a Cure For Herointhat is wholesome and heals the brain so that it can function well again. The main plant herb used at our healing center is the Ibogaine plant herb which is known to eliminate withdrawal symptoms when being treated for heroin addiction. You can now focus on getting better without having to worry about the best way to handle these symptoms and not go back to being an addict.
We also have other natural modalities that accompany the use of Ibogaine and they include Mitochondria Repair Protocol, Total Liver Detox Protocol, DNA Repair Protocol, Stem Cell Activation Protocol, Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity Brain Repair Protocol. These treatment protocols are designed to assist the body to get rid of toxic chemicals while repairing cells damaged by the abuse of heroin.
How do we repair your brain from addiction?
If you are wondering about the Best cure for heroin we offer through brain repair, you do not have to wonder any longer. Our treatment protocol is genuine and was designed by Johnny The Healer, the founder of The Holistic Sanctuary as a response to his need to find an addiction cure that works. The treatment procedure referred to as The Pouyan Method focuses on healing the mind, body and spirit so that they work in harmony once again. This procedure has been successful with so many people resulting in the growing need for Alternative Drug Rehabilitation in the Los Angeles area. However, we still face opposition from medical professionals even with all the evidence out there for all to see.
To reverse brain damage we involve a number of treatment protocols and therapies that work together to cure heroin and addicts to other illicit drugs. Patients at our holistic rehab have their brain scanned before and after the treatment protocol to see the extent of the healing. In most cases, the brain is completely healed with no indication of withdrawal symptoms in the patient. The former addict is also empowered because they are now aware of the reason for their drug abuse which they have to confront when on the program. Most of our patients go through a Spiritual Awakening and an Outer Body Experience when in contact with Ayahuasca and Ibogaine plant herbs which are part of the tools we use for healing.
Apart from the use of plant extracts to heal the brain, we also offer you nutritional therapy to ensure that your body gets the nutrients it needs to be healthy. At The Holistic Sanctuary out luxury rehab provides Organic Superfood Juices/Shakes and Fresh Organic Meals 90% Raw Food Diet 100% Organic 100% Non GMO. These meals and drinks help the body cells that are damaged to get healed and new ones grow again in areas where they had died. It does not matter if you have been addicted to heroin for years, eating well and participating in the activities designed by our private rehab center is a sure way to get cured forever.
To offer the only Cure For Drug Abuse, we have invested in a luxury facility built with our patients in mind. We believe that a conducive environment contributes to faster healing of addictions to different drugs and even mental conditions such as PTSD. Visit The Holistic Sanctuary and start your journey towards healing.
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