Stem Cell Therapy Treatment Center
What are Stem Cells and What is Stem Cell Therapy Used For?
Stem cells are the body’s healing cells, the most powerful raw material that helps the body renew, regenerate, rebuild and revitalize itself. These cells are also known as MSC cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells.
These daughter cells either become new stem cells (self-renewal) or become specialized cells (differentiation) with a more specific function, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the natural ability to generate new cell types.

Stem cells are a population of immature tissue precursor cells that have the potential to divide and differentiate into different cell types. This ability to mature into other cell types is what makes it of use in healing different body tissues and organs when introduced. Similarly, its self-replicating character helps in regrowing damaged or absent cells in the body. However, stem cells like any other cells of the body age, decrease in number, and activity with time. It is the reason why the adult human body has a lower number of stem cells in comparison to embryos and newborns that have a high stem cell count.
There are two major classes of stem cells: pluripotent stem cells that can differentiate into any cell in the adult body, and multipotent stem cells that are restricted to mature into a limited population of cells.
The stem cells can also be sub-categorized based on the donor identity:
allogeneic stem cells that are derived from a genetically different donor but of the same species and autologous mesenchymal stem cells that are obtained from the same patient before use in various treatments.
What is stem cell therapy?
Stem cell therapy is a treatment modality that employs the use of a special kind of cell called the stem cell to treat and manage multiple medical conditions. Also known as regenerative medicine, it is the most recent and emerging branch of medical science, that deals with functional restoration at the cellular level in patients suffering from severe injuries or chronic conditions. It is of utmost benefit in conditions where bodies own regenerative responses do not suffice, and external cells designed to repair and regrow damaged or dysfunctional cells are needed. Stem cell treatment in many cases, also rather than curing the underlying conditions heals the body enough so, the associated symptoms are manageable at most. Thus, improving the quality of life substantially in terminally ill patients. This advanced treatment option takes a step further ahead of organ transplantation, by receiving few cells rather than organs from a donor. Of note is that the stem cells can also be harvested in labs and can be manipulated, to form specific types of cells, such as heart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells.
Where do stem cells come from?
The two sources for harvesting stem cells are embryos and adult body tissues.
Embryonic stem cells.
These stem cells extracted from embryos are up to three to five days old. These cells are pluripotent, meaning they have the potential to give rise to more stem cells and develop into any body cell. It is the main reason why they are an excellent choice to regenerate and repair damaged organs and tissues.
Adult stem cells.
The extraction of stem cells can also be made from adult human tissues such as blood, bone marrow, and fat (adipose) tissue. Compared with embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have a more limited ability to give rise to a range of cells, and thus are multipotent.
How are stem cells administered?
At a stem cell treatment clinic, these cells can be introduced in the body either systematically via intravenous administration, or locally to a specific targeted site, such as in joints or spine. The most convenient mode introduction, however, remains prior as it distributes these cells to several organs simultaneously. IV route is therefore preferred when treating diseases or conditions that affect multiple organs or sites of the body. Before the treatment, a central line catheter is placed in a major vessel of the neck or chest for transfusing the stem cells, medications, or any blood product needed.
How does stem cell therapy work?
The main objective of stem cell treatment is to find a non-invasive mechanism to replace the damaged cells of the body with new healthier cells.
Reduces inflammation:
Stem cells due to their unique properties are more attracted to sites of inflammation in the body. Here they actively reduce inflammation by modulating the immune system via cell signaling and direct cell-to-cell contact.
Promotes natural healing:
They are also known to support angiogenesis, which is the formation of new blood vessels that in turn promote natural healing.
Increases cellular longevity:
Stem cells also reduce the rate of apoptosis in cells that are the pre-programmed cellular death that occurs due to aging and disease. Thus, increasing cellular longevity.
Modulates the immune system:
Stem cells also have the potential to modulate the immune system by reducing immune cell stimulation and activation. It is of particular interest when tackling autoimmune diseases, where the immune system attacks its body cells.
Transplantation of stem cells results in increased neuronal growth and differentiation due to enhanced secretion of neurotrophic factors.
Stem Cell Differentiation to Muscle Cells
Clinical trials provide evidence that stem cells can successfully regenerate infarcted myocardium (muscles of the heart) when autologous bone marrow stem cells are transplanted at the site.
How much does stem cell therapy cost?
Stem cell therapies have become very popular in recent years, as people are seeking the latest alternative treatments for their many conditions. More and more types of therapies are being introduced every day. People are waking up and rejecting the medias push and promotion of medications. However, despite the large surge in demand for stem cell therapies, they still remain very expensive to pursue. Even simple joint injections can cost nearly $1,000 and more advanced treatments can rise in cost up to $100,000 depending on the condition.
So, why are stem cell treatments so expensive?
Stem cells are cutting edge, they have better results, they are more effective and they do not cause side effects like standard/western medicine, plus they work much much better. Let’s look at the facts and science behind real results when it comes to stem cell therapy. The only clinically cured cancer and aids/HIV patients in history were 2 stem cell patients- Article Here. Yes, stem cell patients, not allopathic medicine patients, not drugs and potions created by big pharma. Let’s be honest, big pharma creates customers, not cures. So, if you want stem cells treatment to be free, or stem cell therapy to be covered by insurance then you need to speak up, start a group, start a movement, but do something. to be cheaper affordable and better yet, covered by insurance and free, you need to demand it from the government and put them cronies on notice. America is not so free after all, they want you to obey them and stay on the toxic medications big pharma sells. If you add up all the medications people take per year it would equal to over $100,000 per person, per year, but since its covered by insurance it’s only $3,000-5,000 out of pocket per year. People think they are saving money but in fact, you end up paying for it in the long run. Read more on stem cell therapy cost.
Why do Stem Cells work better than Allopathic Medicine?
Stem cells can be guided into becoming specific cells that can be used to regenerate and repair diseased or damaged tissues in people. Instead of masking disease and giving out toxic medications, stem cells actually heal people. Stem cells are the only treatment in history to cure HIV and cancer, period. These two diseases that are so called incurable will destroy 40% of the multi trillion dollar big pharma’s corrupt industries strong hold.
What are Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)
One of the kinds of multipotent cells frequently used in stem cell therapy is mesenchymal cells, that can mature into bone, cartilage, muscle, fat cells, connective tissues, etc. Mesenchymal stem cells have also been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects when transplanted. The mesenchymal stem cells are derived from the placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, adipose tissue, joint synovium, synovial fluid, and periosteum (lining of the bone).

What is Allogeneic stem cell transplant?

What conditions can stem cell therapy treat?
Only a few selected types of tissues and organs in the human body exhibit the ability to spontaneously regenerate after disease or trauma, and even this regenerative capacity diminishes over time. Therefore, to find a therapeutic medium that can accelerate this natural healing process and repair cells is crucial and makes stem cell therapy a promising approach. Multiple pieces of literature show, stem cell treatment to be effective in managing and treating the following conditions:
- Asthma,
- Rheumatoid arthritis,
- Regional pain syndrome,
- Inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease,
- Traumatic and ischemic brain and spinal cord injuries,
- Autism and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children,
- To restore sight: since 2003, corneal stem cells have been successfully transplanted into damaged eyes at several stem cell treatment clinics to restore vision.
- Wound healing: multiple clinical trials successfully report the stem cell to accelerate the process of natural wound healing.
- Neurodegenerative diseases: such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease, etc.,
- Blood cancers: since the early 1960s, the multipotent stem cells harvested from bone marrow have been employed to manage blood cancers such as leukemia, myeloma, and lymphomas.
- Frailty syndrome: a clinical trial published in 2017, showed individuals older than 60 years to exhibit significant improvement in terms of physical performances after receiving Intravenous mesenchymal stem cells from young, healthy donors.
- Orthopedics: the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from adult stem cells has over the years shown strong potential when used in conditions such as bone and muscle trauma, cartilage repair, osteoarthritis, rotator cuff surgery, and intervertebral disc surgery, etc. studies also demonstrate stem cells to accelerate bone healing in cases of fracture along with a reduction in pain.
What conditions does Stem Cells treat?
At The Holistic Sanctuary, we use stem cell therapy in combination with our proven holistic protocols to treat the following conditions:
Acute leukemia
Aids- HIV
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Embryonic Versus Adult Stem Cells
The majority of the stem cell therapy clinics worldwide are majorly working with the two most common sources of stem cells that are the embryonic and adult stem cells. These two possess their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and therefore, are selected by considering patients’ preference and their underlying conditions individually.
Cells extracted from embryonic tissue are highly expandable and pluripotent. Meaning they can be extensively used to treat a large variant of disease and repair several different organs and tissues.
On the other hand, adult stem cells can be obtained more conveniently and can be employed for more targeted therapy due to their, uni-bi, and multipotent nature. In cases of autologous donation of adult stem cells where the patients stem cells are harvested and used, there is no risk of rejection reaction and, thus, no immunosuppressive treatment is needed.
Embryonic stem cells are difficult to harvest due to their nature, and also possess the risk of rejection reaction due to differences in genetics from the donor. Therefore, immunosuppression is given in adjunct to the therapy to prevent graft versus host reaction. There is also a small risk of teratocarcinoma that is the uncontrolled multiplication of the transplanted cells in the body.
On the other hand, adult tissue-derived stem cells are at a disadvantage by being limited in their action and along with also requiring HLA and phenotyping for rejection reaction.
Can the body reject stem cells?
Stem cells derived from the umbilical cord harbor no risk of graft versus host rejection when transplanted. As these are newly formed, undifferentiated cells without immune typing. Similarly, as these have not transformed into any blood products, these are universally accepted without the worry of donor and recipient matching.
However, stem cells obtained from embryo and adult tissues such as bone marrow or fat, require both HLA and phenotyping as these cells are immunologically marked and can induce a graft vs host reaction if unmatched.
What measures can enhance the effects of stem cell treatment?
At Stem Cell Treatment Clinics, many adjuvant measures are carried out parallel to the stem cell transplantation to further amplify the effectiveness of the treatment. These include natural detoxing from priorly exposed toxic substances, chemicals, and medications to cleanse the body. The patient’s health is further boosted with intravenous vitamin supplements to ensure the body is in its best state to receive stem cells. Dietary modification is also given special consideration at stem cell treatment centers, and genetically modified food is replaced with an organic, vegan diet, to replenish vital nutrients in the body.
Along with these measures, several therapies have also been found associated with enhancing the effects of stem cell treatment. Some of the commonly offered modalities found at our stem cell therapy clinics include Acupuncture, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, and floatation methods.
Can stem cell therapy be used to treat addiction?
It is roughly estimated that around 35 million individuals suffer from drug abuse disorders globally, according to the latest World Drug Report, released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The main culprit behind addiction is the erratic production of dopamine in the brain. This neurotransmitter is responsible for firing signals into the neurons. In individuals with addiction, these drugs cause the release of dopamine resulting in false signals, stimulating the pleasure centers of the brain. Therefore, these individuals continue to consume these drugs repeatedly and often in increasing dosages to recreate the euphoric experience. The addictive drugs are also known to impair neurogenesis and undermine the activity of neural stem cells present in the hippocampus mechanism that is associated with the behavioral changes observed in patients with addiction. Stem cell introduction is proposed, to restore this imbalance, promote neuronal growth, and thus, significantly decrease the craving for further drug abuse. The rate of addiction cure at stem cell treatment centers, therefore, is progressively increasing.
On the other hand, chronic alcoholism was found to be associated with neuronal tissue inflammation and degeneration. As stem cell therapy is known to promote the development of neurons (neurogenesis) and decrease inflammation, it is an effective measure to tackle alcohol abuse. An experimental study showed a 90% abstinence rate from alcoholism when stem cells were introduced in subjects.
Can stem cell therapy manage depression?
Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders with a high incidence of affecting around one in every six individuals. There are currently a wide range of antidepressants available universally, however, the treatment failure rate remains about one-third of the suffering population. To tackle this relatively increasing psychiatric disorder several adjunct therapies have been trailed and approved. Among such is the stem cell therapy that shows promising results without exposing an individual to serious side effects observed with antidepressant drugs. Of note are the successful treatment responses observed in patients that had previously treatment-resistant depression. Studies report Mesenchymal stem cells to attenuate depression-like behaviors by increasing the secretion of neurotrophic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor. The enhanced expression of these factors is associated with the upregulation of signaling pathways linked with depression pathology.
Best types of stem cells used to treat autism
Why choose our Stem Cell Therapy in Mexico over other centers?
Well that’s easy, our stem cell therapy Mexico center is not a one size approach, we do not give stem cells to people who walk off the streets. We prepare the patient’s body to maximize the stem cells absorption. Each guest gets a plant-based, raw food, organic, non-GMO diet to maximize stem cell absorption and to maximize healing. We have the only IV formula that heals at a cellular level and makes it easier for the stem cells to work better. We have formulas to titrate patients safely off ALL medications that stop and prevent stem cell therapy from working correctly. We have this down to a science, no guessing game or shot in the dark.
We created 5 different IV protocols to heal patients of all medications, we are able to repair the Gaba receptors, dopamine receptors, and serotonin receptors. We use a highly dense nutrient alkalized diet to kill candida, to allow faster healing and recovery time.
We are able to use sacred medicine and create mystical experiences, we reconnect the patients to their soul by activating the God Molecule. We safely decalcify the pineal gland, to release the Spirit Molecule to create an outer body experience and spiritual awakening.
We also detox the GI tract from candida, to help reset and repair serotonin receptors. The method we use is very effective and proven and a game changer. Plus, our powerful stem cell protocol repairs our guest at a cellular level.Do not be fooled by copycats or imitators. The Pouyan Method includes our proprietary daily 5-7 hours of powerful IV drip, which contains our patented Brain Repair IV formula. By itself, it targets and repair certain parts of the brain and repairs cells. It is perfect for those seeking treatment for addiction, depression, PTSD, trauma, and alcoholism. The past ten years we’ve synergistically have blended ancient plant medicine into our system, and we have plant medicine down to a science. We are not a one-size-fits-all 3-7-day stem cell center or treatment center, and we are not in competition with any other detox or treatment centers.
Our vision is to offer the most powerful, holistic, natural, and effective healing methods to those facing addictions, trauma, PTSD, depression, and other severe physical and spiritual health issues.
Call us today to get started on this revolutionary healing and reclaim your life.
Our treatment methods:
Pouyan Method
Nad IV Drips
Stem Cell Therapy
Holistic Treatment Methods
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