If you or someone you love deeply is struggling with addiction, you understand how serious this problem can be. Although television and movies sometimes make light of this serious issue and portray addicts as fools or as bad people, you know that addiction is a problem with the brain. You may not know that the underlying problems in the brain can be addressed, and reversed, and an addict can be cured. You do not know this because 99% of drug rehab facilities, based on the medical model of treatment, perpetuate the myths that addiction is an incurable disease and that there is no effective treatment for addiction other than talk therapy, meetings, declaring powerlessness and surrendering to a life as an addict.
The Difference Between Non 12 Step Holistic Drug Rehab and Traditional Drug Rehabs
Holistic rehab facilities, unlike the traditional drug treatment centers, operate on the fact, not the theory, that addiction can be cured, and once physical addiction is cured, the former addict can create a new personality and a new life that reflects the true person once held captive by addiction. Holistic drug treatment begins with a detox treatment using Ibogaine, which cures the addiction. But even with the physical addiction cured, there is more involved in treating the whole person to create the person he or she has always wanted to be. That is where a true holistic clinic shines.
Why Holistic High End Rehab Centers Works Better Than Non 12 Step Treatment Centers
Holistic drug treatment centers use completely natural and holistic methods to treat not only the brain, but the entire body, as well as the mind and spirit. Our philosophy here is, “Heal the brain, heal the life,” and we use over 20 complementary mind/body/spirit modalities to create a new person who not only is not addicted to any substance but is the person the former addict has always desired to be.
Who Could Benefit from The Sanctuary of Healing? Everyone! The only other options are to try quitting on your own, which almost never works, or to go to a traditional drug rehab facility, which have a success rate of less than 10%. When your life is on the line, which it always is with addiction, those odds don’t look good. The Sanctuary of Healing facility is the only way to become a person who used to be addicted. Now is the Only Time to Make the Decision
Our founder, Johnny The Healer lost his mother and brother to addiction, and nearly died himself due to his addictions. He has a personal message for you: “Please get help now. Addiction can be fatal, and even when it is not, the toll is devastating. Please seek the help you need.” At The Holistic Sanctuary, we know how hard it is to kick opiate, alcohol and other chemical addictions, we’ve personally been there, and we are here to help you every step of the way to kick the habit and get cured!
We offer a natural approach to cure your dependency, once and for all. Our healing Ibogaine detox center is within driving distance from San Diego on the beach in Baja California Mexico, a stunning, private luxurious beachfront resort. Our clients are treated to organic foods cooked by a chef, a private room, and massage therapy sessions to help with a painless transition to a full detox. The Ibogaine detox takes 7 days to complete. The detox is rapid and painless, however we recommend that the client choose to stay and complete Phase II, which is our completely holistic, addiction cure treatment protocol, called the “Pouyan Method”. The full treatment lasts about 30-90 days, depending on the client’s goals and the results of their brain scans.
We educate our clients on powerful ways to end negative thought patterns and clear their lives of toxic people and environments to prevent relapse. We teach all of our clients a complete life style change, which is crucial to ending the cycle of addiction.
We do not force our clients to embrace a life of AA meetings and 12 step. You were not born with an incurable disease, and you are not powerless.
We will show you how to regain your power and be cured once and for all. With the holistic, brain-healing Pouyan Method and Ibogaine treatment, we can close the gap of relapse and increase our clients’ chances for a full and complete, 100% recovery.
What Exactly is Non 12 step Ibogaine Treatment?
Ibogaine is an all-natural substance which comes from the Equatorial African shrub Iboga. Ibogaine changes the brain’s wiring, so to speak, by shutting off certain receptors’ ability to receive signals that cause withdrawal and cravings. Physical addiction is defined by withdrawal and cravings. When these symptoms are cured, the addiction no longer exists. Let us be very clear about this. Ibogaine treatment permanently removes the symptoms of addiction. Without these symptoms, the addiction no longer exists. Ibogaine helps cures addiction, Period. Its very important when you get healed from your addiction, you do not go back to place that force you to admit you are powerless and incurable, this type of environment will hurt you in the long run.
Our process heals our clients. That’s right, we have a cure. It’s not an endless cycle of living with addiction and perpetual recovery. We don’t help you off street drugs, only to get you hooked on legal drugs. Maintenance drugs like methadone, suboxone, anti-depressants and ssri drugs are not a cure, they are only a band-aid covering the underlying symptoms. Not to mention, these drugs come with a host of life-threatening side effects.
So, believe us when we say, “No more AA meetings”, no more endless talk therapy, no more claiming you’re powerless and labeling yourself as a diseased alcoholic or addict! No more band-aid pills and chemical dependency substitutions. It’s time to end the insanity. We will help to rebuild you from the inside out. Get cured now! True healing begins at “The Holistic Sanctuary”. Call us now to get started! You’ll Be Glad You Did!
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