Where to Get Best PTSD Help


Cure and Effective Treatment For PTSD And Depression

Sick and tired of the run around looking for a place to Cure your PTSD and Depression? Has every place you’ve been to only prescribed you more drugs to band-aid the underlying PTSD Trauma and Depression?  Depression and Best PTSD Treatment Centers do not deserve that title for a simple reason: these places have a broken, ineffective outdated medical model that is only designed to prescribe drugs and band-aid potions. That belief is not only wrong; it is literally toxic since it places people on prescription drugs, with severe side effects, and simultaneously enrolls them in endless talk therapy programs that reinforce the idea that PTSD is a disease that will never go away. At The Holistic Sanctuary we have a far more revolutionary approach – thanks to the exclusive, safe and proprietary Pouyan Method – where we heal the brain so you can heal your life.


What Is The Pouyan Method?

If you are reading this, you may have heard about us from a friend or loved one. You probably also heard powerful life changing experiences that have happened at our world class Sanctuary. The truth is we heal people from all walks of life and those who are suffering from all forms of life threatening issues. Issues of PTSD, Depression, Trauma and Medication Abuse, but it doesn’t stop there! If you read through our website and watch our patient testimonials, you will see Heroin Addiction is being CURED here. We can’t stress enough how easy it is to cure ADDICTION! We have it down to a science, no cookie cutter style, or outdated ineffective methods, group meetings and or prescribing toxic medications to our guests.

Let’s face it, if that stuff worked, they wouldn’t have a lousy 3-5% success rate. The reason why we are different is because we use Super Foods, Super Plants, Holistic, Advanced Alternative Medicine, and that’s a proven way to get these life-changing and life-saving results. We have the cure for PTSD.

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